What does that mean...

Your Cheat Sheet

Confused guy


Say what now?

Whether you’re looking to come in for the first time, a new member, or a long time veteran of our gym, there are moments where you scratch your head and say…HUH?!? Below is a dictionary on common phrases, acronyms, or regular exercises that we do. If we are missing one, just shoot us an email or leave us a note, and we will get it added…ASAP.

This also serves as a guide if a trainer says something to you, and you’re confused. Skip to the “The Hurt Locker ‘isms” section. If Jeff greets you with “are you lost,” it doesn’t mean he doesn’t recognize you, it just means you’ve been missed.

Say what?


On the whiteboard, you’ll notice we start every workout with accessory work. You’ll see 3RFQ, which stands for 3 Rounds For Quality. We want you to focus on form and function vs. speed.

Every Minute On the Minute – In a WOD, you may see the acronym EMOM, this is every minute on the minute. So at the beginning of every minute, you will do a set of exercises. When you are done, you rest until the start of the next minute.

As Many Rounds As Possible – Your goal is to go as fast (and safe) as you can and get as many rounds of the workout in as you can. Typically you’ll see the clock counting down, and you run through the exercises until the clock expires.

Double Unders – A jump rope movement where you have two spins of the rope with one jump.

As Heavy As Possible

Body Weight

Toes 2 Bar

Glute Ham Developer

Glute Ham Developer Sit Ups – Sit-ups on the GHD Machine

Handstand Push-ups


Russian Kettlebell Swings – this movement is a swing where you stop with the bell at shoulder height.

American Kettlebell Swings – this movement is a swing where you stop with the bell directly overhead.

Wall Balls

Metabolic Conditioning

While not an acronym, kipping is a gymnastic movement utilizing hip drive to perform a bodyweight movement faster and/or more efficiently

Over Head

As Prescribed, meaning, you do the workout as written without any adjustments

Sumo deadlift high pull

Workout Of the Day

Come again...


Power Clean

Power Clean

Hands shoulder width apart and catching the bar at your shoulders.
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Squat Clean

Squat Clean

Hands shoulder width apart, catching at your shoulders in a squat position.
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Hang Clean

Hang Clean

Same as power clean, however your starting position is at the top of your knees.
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Power Snatch

Power Snatch

Wide grip and catching the bar overhead.
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Squat Snatch

Squat Snatch

Wide grip and catching the bar overhead in a squat position.
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Hang Snatch

Hang Snatch

Same as power snatch, however, your starting position is at the top of your knees. There is also a high hang, where the movement starts at the crease line of your hips. If you catch in a squat position, that is a Hang Squat Snatch.
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I'm confused...

The Hurt Locker 'isms

You may hear phrases that throw you for a loop, here is a quick summary of what they likely mean.

Read the F'in Board

Read the F'in Board

Chances are, if you hear this phrase, you are asking a question that's already been answered...on the whiteboard. Have no fear; we've all been there.

New Kicks?

New Kicks?

Our trainers pay extra attention to all things workout. New outfits, new sneakers. You may have undergone extensive reconstructive face surgery that may go unnoticed, but new sneakers - we got you covered.

Are you lost?

Are you lost?

If you haven’t hit a class in a few days, don't be surprised if you are greeted with this question upon your arrival back. It’s our way of saying we miss you.

Hi, I'm Jeff

Hi, I'm Jeff

You know who Jeff is, if he’s introducing himself to you (again), he’s insinuating it’s been far too long since you’ve been in class, and he misses you.

But did you die?

But did you die?

Some of our workouts are hard, and members like to complain. So a standard response is often “Yeah - but did you die?”

3-2-1 GO!

3-2-1 GO!

When we get ready for a WOD and the clock is getting ready to start, you will hear our instructors yell the count down: 3! 2! 1! GO! It’s fun and terrifying at the same time.

Reach your goals

Stronger Together